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English translation for "timing rising"


Related Translations:
risen:  adj.升起的;复活的。 the risen sun 升起的太阳。
rose to:  升高到
price rise:  物价上升
rising block:  上升的断块上升断块上升式闭锁机
rose cut:  玫瑰花形琢型
rising sign:  上升星座
deep rising:  怪从深海来极度深寒深海拦截-大海
bloody rose:  吸血玫瑰
rising vote:  起立表决
rising personalfirewall:  瑞星个人防火墙
Example Sentences:
1.Seventh sessions : olympiad flag first time rises in olympiad
2.The results showed that the deposition rate increases with the rise , of bath temperature and deposition thickness also increases as the plating time rises
3.Secondly , this paper analyses the course and the reason of russia ' s rise and fall , and study russia ' s three times rises and falls in historic dimension
4.S remained in m . morrel s service , and a most singular change had taken place in his position ; he had at the same time risen to the rank of cashier , and sunk to the rank of a servant
5.Be like employee weekly working hours is little at 50 hours , average wasteful time occupies the 17 . 8 of total working hours ; if working hours exceeds 50 hours , average wasteful time rises to 22 . 2
若雇员每周的工作时间少于50小时,平均浪费时间则占总工作时间的17 . 8 ;若工作时间超过50小时,平均浪费时间则上升至22 . 2 。
6.An analysis by the tories showed teachers retiring early almost doubled from 8 , 500 in 1998 - 99 to 16 , 850 last year , and numbers choosing to work part - time rose from 6 , 910 in 1997 to 11 , 830 in 2007
保守党分析显示提前退休的教师从1998到1999年的8500名相比去年增加到16 , 850 ,其中选择兼职的从1997年的6910名相比2007年增加到11 , 850名。
7.An analysis by the tories showed teachers retiring early almost doubled from 8 , 500 in 1998 - 99 to 16 , 850 last year , and numbers choosing to work part - time rose from 6 , 910 in 1997 to 11 , 830 in 2007
据保守党分析,提前退休教师人数在成倍增加,从1998到1999年间的8500人到今年的16850人.选择做兼职的则从1997年的6 , 910人增加到2007年的11 , 830人
8.An analysis by the tories showed teachers retiring early almost doubled from 8 , 500 in 1998 - 99 to 16 , 850 last year , and numbers choosing to work part - time rose from 6 , 910 in 1997 to 11 , 830 in 2007
保守党的分析表明,去年提前退休的教师从1998年的8 , 500人增至16 , 850人,几乎翻了两番,而今年选择兼职工作的教师从1997年的6 , 910人增至11 , 830人。
9.An analysis by the tories showed teachers retiring early almost doubled from 8 , 500 in 1998 - 99 to 16 , 850 last year , and numbers choosing to work part - time rose from 6 , 910 in 1997 to 11 , 830 in 2007
保守党的分析显示:提前退休的教师从1998 - 99的8500名激增到去年的16850名,几乎翻了倍,而选择做兼职的人数则由97年的6910名增加到07年的11830名。
10.An analysis by the tories showed teachers retiring early almost doubled from 8 , 500 in 1998 - 99 to 16 , 850 last year , and numbers choosing to work part - time rose from 6 , 910 in 1997 to 11 , 830 in 2007
保守党的一项分析显示早退休的教师从1998 - 99年的8千5百人几乎成倍增加为去年的1万6千多人,数量决定兼职工作从1997年6千9百人升至2007年的1万1千人。
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